Happy 25th Birthday
Born in Ninewells Hospital, Dundee, Scotland
At almost 10 to 10, on the 10th of the 10th, 1998, little Zara Ossman said her first hello to the world.
Her years have seen her take steps in places near and far. From the dusty streets of Morocco, to the beaches of Portugal, the fun of Disneyland and the heights of New York. .
This set the scene for a girl who loved to hop on a plane and see the world. Travelling has been one of her most passionate pastimes, exploring different cultures, absorbing the sights, smells and sounds of our planet.
This might have something to do with her other passion: food. Never afraid to try the strange and wonderful. She even likes her steak rare! That in itself was quite rare for a brownie. Whether it's sushi, her mum's salad cream chicken or a calorie packed desert, her smile was never far away when food was close-by.
She is also passionate about football, motor racing, cars...and her cats! Any animal in general, but cats are her soft spot. Literally can't walk past a cat without becoming besties & as much as it can be a pain at times, it's a part of her personality and one we wouldn't change.
There are some highlights that I'm sure will always be embedded in her memories forever. Most involve travelling of course, but passing her driving test at the first attempt, graduating with her Masters Degree...even being in lockdown during covid had it's fair share of memories. We can thank Michael Scott for most of them.
Zara, you are the centre of our world and we have cherished far too many memories to fit into this little mini-bio. Suffice to say, we wouldn't change you for the world and we always pray to Allah for your good health, your contentment, your happiness and that He may always bestow His blessings and imaan upon you. Always stay caring, stay passionate and compassionate and above all, enjoy the rest of your life to the fullest. We love you to the moon and back and wish you the happiest birthday evvver!!
Love - Mum & Dad xx